Bobs & Lolo: Wave your Antlers – get ready to dance! #review

B&L_WaveYourAntlers_2000pxAlivia is a musical child, anything music on TV grasps her attention and she turns into a zombie, dancing around and singing her little heart out. One of her favorite shows since she was very little has always been Bobs & Lolo, a peppy duo of ladies with upbeat tunes, big sweet smiles and a way of making kids laugh and move with their catchy lyrics. I love that they are local to us and have so many free shows throughout the lower mainland, nothing makes kids more excited it seems then seeing their favorite friends in person.

One of our favorite songs has always been Cindy Seahorse, it’s a song we can sing together while playing it in the car or watch on youtube together when we are sitting at home. We have been patiently (okay, maybe not so patiently…) waiting for the release of their new holiday album – Wave Your Antlers… and guess what, it’s hereee!

Bobs & Lolo with Livvy

This lucky little girl scored a signed CD from Bobs & Lolo themselves and we were lucky enough to attend their live performance at Lougheed Town Centre a couple of weeks back, Alivia couldn’t sit down the minute they were up on stage. We were so excited to open our new CD in the car on the ride home and it has quickly become a favorite for our long commutes.

Wave your antlers is a mix of both traditional classic holiday music and Bobs & Lolo originals, including Chris Moose, one of our personal favorites! In true Bobs & Lolo style, these songs are guaranteed to get your kids wiggling, shaking and giggling through the entire track list.

Curious why Chris Moose is our favorite and the most requested song in the car? Check out this hilarious video, I still laugh every time Alivia asks for this song in the car, it’s hard not to. I dare you to make it past “caboose” without giggling…

Wave your antlers makes the perfect holiday stocking stuffer for any child, it’s been well loved in our home over the past few weeks and I imagine I am going to be listening to Christmas music straight through until their next CD is released (it’s okay though.. I’ve been known to sing along with them to!).

You can purchase each CD individually on their website, or grab bundles of your favorites (with some extras!), check out the Bobs & Lolo store for more products available. Can’t wait? You can download the album on iTunes, $1.29 per song or $7.99 for the entire track list, well worth the investment in my opinion as every song is worth a listen! We have it loaded onto our iPads, iPhones and the CD is in the car… every base, covered!

If you’re in the lower mainland area, you can catch a free Bobs & Lolo show at Guildford Town Centre for their big Santa send off on December 23rd, enjoy live music and festivities as Santa heads back to the North Pole.

Connect with Bobs & Lolo
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{Disclaimer: we won our signed CD, but we love Bobs & Lolo and want to spread our love of their show & music! No additional compensation was received. Our opinions are entirely our own.}

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.