Fraser Valley Balance Bikes – keeping kids active & curious

Fraser Valley Balance Bikes Strider Dealer

Fraser Valley Balance Bikes Strider Dealer

2 years ago we decided around Christmas that Alivia needed a bike. I was on the fence with a traditional tricycle or a balance bike. Alivia had teeny tiny legs at that point and was shorter then most of her peers. I worried that with a tricyle we would eventually (and inevitably) need to teach her to ride a bike with training wheels, and then teach her again to ride without. I know my daughter’s temperament, when she is worried or scared, she goes into full shut down mode and I felt that it could set her back if she didn’t feel secure on her bike.

I was introduced to Fraser Valley Balance Bikes by a few friends and was curious, these bikes looked cool and offered the stability of two feet on the ground.. but then what? How was this going to teach my kid to ride a bike when there were no pedals!? We decided to take the leap and purchased a tricked out pink bike; we lucked out and bought our bike during one of their promotions and scored a free set of wheels as our free accessory, pink all around!

When I met with the owner Lindsay at her home, I was immediately impressed by her passion for these bikes. She was extremely forth coming with information about how Strider bikes foster independence, confidence and active play. For every question I had, she had an in-depth answer. She took the time to show me how to properly set the seat height for each rider, and how to get Alivia started on her bike. I loved that the bike comes pre-assembled, one less step I had to worry about. Β She threw on a pretty big red bow and the Strider bike was ready to go right under our tree!

Fraser Valley Balance Bikes Strider

When I contacted Lindsay to include a review on our blog, she hooked us up with some pretty awesome Strider BMX gear, a set of elbow and knee pads, as well as a Strider jersey. Alivia was pretty excited to be able to race around the driveway! One challenge we are having is trying to get her comfortable with the seat higher though. I love that we can adjust it as needed, from a level she is comfortable at to one that is a bit more of a challenge, it’s very versatile.

Fraser Valley Balance Bikes

So what can you expect from your Strider balance bike experience?Β Strider Run Bike is often imitated, however no other bike can compare to it’s high strength,Β light weight design, safety features and unique custom options & accessories. These bike’s weigh less than 7lbs, making them easily transportable to events, daycare, grandma’s and just tossed into the back of the car for a fun outing. They are so lightweight that kids can easily pick them up, making balancing that much easier. They take a beating very well as you can tell, we’ve had ours for almost 2 years and it’s still in great shape! I love that we can use it inside or outside, on rainy days there’s nothing more fun than buzzing around the living room on her bike.

Balance bikes are easy to get started; with 2 feet flat on the ground kids feel safe and eventually gather up the courage to lift those feet and experiment more. I was pretty impressed at how quickly Alivia caught on, even when she was a little wobbly at first, she felt confident that if she tipped a bit, she wasn’t far from the ground.

Fraser Valley Balance Bikes Strider

These bikes are truly designed to work for all children and adults alike, regardless of physical ability. I was so impressed to learn that Fraser Valley Balance Bikes works hand-in-hand to provide bikes to those otherwise told they may never be able to ride a bike. Striders are recognized with an AblePlay rating, they truly are designed for everyone!

The bikes range in price from $99+, and Fraser Valley Balance Bikes keeps all her stock on hand, right down to the accessories you need to create your child’s dream bike! Whether they are just starting out, or already balance bike pros, they can help you find the perfect bike for everyone. Soon, we’ll need to upgrade Alivia’s seat to the extended seat so she can continue to grow on her bike.

fraser valley strider bikes

Fraser Valley Balance Bike’s has generously offered a $30 gift certificate to one of our readers. Want to win? Enter below!

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{Disclosure: I was provided with accessories as a thank you for this post, however we love Fraser Valley Balance Bikes and wouldn’t share anything we didn’t love with our readers!}

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.