Towel Tag Id; Review & #Giveaway! Ends 9/30

Towel Tag ID multi-use on bags

Towel Tag ID Pink

I don’t like germs. Since becoming a mom, I find myself doing more laundry and scrubbing more surfaces in an ever failing attempt to battle off the next cold, flu or sickess! Cold season is coming and I’m already in panic mode.

I just discovered Towel Tag ID and I’m pretty excited to share them with my readers!


Towel Tag was invented by Kathlyn, a mom who was tired of washing towels daily because her sons couldn’t remember which towel was theirs. Sound familiar? In my house I am constantly washing towels because they never end up in the same place, no one can remember which one they grabbed in the morning and somehow they ALWAYS end up on the floor! Germ disliker me doesn’t use a towel off the floor so I usually wash towels at least 2-3 times a week!

Towel Tag ID found a solution, with a tag that is soft enough to be used against skin and still easy to personalize and re-use, there’s no excuse to not know who’s towel is who’s anymore! With a sheet of letter stickers included, it’s easy to name each tag and start letting those towels get used more than once! There are also optional pet stickers available to make sure kitty and puppy have their own tags as well.

Towel Tag ID multi-use on bags


The best part is that Towel Tag ID isn’t just for towels, you can use it to personalize and claim anything you can attach the tail to. We’ve used it for lunch kits, back packs, towels, jackets and I am sure we will have more uses for them once Alivia heads back to school.

Towel tag ID Lunchkit

Sharing your towel can put you at risk of being exposed to a multitude of yuckies, including (but not limited to!) e-coli, viruses, germs, staph infection and fungus. Read more about what you are avoiding here.

One lucky reader will win a set of 4 Towel Tag Id’s! Your choice of a themed tag and 3 additional colors. Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What would be the first thing you would “Tag” if you won? Tell me in the comments!

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.