Be Kind. Do you know what feels the absolute best? Spreading kindness. Seeing a ripple effect. Being responsible for brightenings someone’s day. It fills my heart up SO MUCH. I’m so excited to be partnering with Metropolis at Metrotown for Pink Shirt Day for our 3rd year and guess what? You’re invited too! Of course, we encourage everyone to be kind every day. But on Pink Shirt Day, we amp it up with random acts of kindness, going out of our way to strike up conversations with compliments and love. This year’s message? Lift Each Other Up!
Our kids have been active in Pink Shirt Day since they were little. I’ve been pretty vocal with A about how bullying impacted my childhood & how it’s traveled with me into adulthood. We talk often about kindness not needing a specific day, but it is a nice reminder to do a check-in. Check-in with how we are treating our friends and to check in with those closest to us and fill their cup. This year’s theme – Lift Each Other Up – is easy to do, compliments and kindness can go so far!
Metropolis at Metrotown is proud to be welcoming Burnaby-based elementary and community schools to help promote the anti-bullying message by performing random acts of kindness throughout the mall on Pink Shirt Day. In partnership with the CKNW Orphans’ Fund, Metropolis at Metrotown encourages all of us to work to end cyberbullying and to encourage everyone online and in-person to spread kindness.
#METMakeNice 2020
On February 26th, we encourage you to join us in wearing a pink shirt to support Pink Shirt Day. Starting at 10am, students from Burnaby schools will be carrying out random acts of kindness! Prepare to be surprised, delighted and hear the Pink Shirt Day message from kids throughout the mall. You also won’t want to miss the special surprise performance by the students in the Grand Court at 11:15am.
I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but we’ve seen the performances each year. It’s incredible to see the entire groups come together to spread a powerful message. These kids not only work super hard to prepare for the performance, but a lot of time is spent creating powerful messages to share not only with their peers but also with people in the mall. There was a few signs I read last year that had me tear up a little bit.
Not able to make it to the mall for Pink Shirt Day? There are still so many ways you can help! From February 15-27, customers are encouraged to post their pledges on how they can #METMakeNice on the Metropolis at Metrotown Instagram Page. For every pledge you make, Metropolis at Metrotown will donate $1 to the CKNW Orphans Fund (up to $1000!). By tagging friends as well, customers will have the chance to win a $500 shopping spree AND a $500 gift card to be donated to their favourite local charity. I don’t know about you, but I know a ton of local places like the Burnaby SPCA, Burnaby Neighbourhood House, Ryan’s Rainbow and more that could really make use of a $500 gift card, and all you have to do is tag a friend to win!
“For this year’s campaign we are excited to be working with local Burnaby elementary and community
schools to spread kindness to our shoppers and community. Pink Shirt Day is an important program
that raises awareness in our communities to stand up to bullying and encourage kindness, tolerance,
and solidarity,” said Judy Black, Marketing Director of Metropolis at Metrotown.
You can also support Pink Shirt Day by stopping by your local London Drugs. London Drugs is a trusted retail partner where you up Pink Shirt Day merchandise with all proceeds benefitting the CKNW Orphans Fund.
Be Kind at Metropolis at Metrotown Event Details:
When: February 26th, 2020
Time: Starting at 9:00am-11:15am
Where: Metropolis at Metrotown, throughout the mall ending in the Grand Court
More info: #METMakeNice at Metropolis at Metrotown
I know, inevitably we’ll hear bullying stories that are heartwrenching and make us question the “Why does one day matter” but as a survivor of bullying, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that THIS DAY MATTERS. This day, while it may not eradicate bullying as a whole, it’s taking the steps to correct behaviours. To educate children and adults alike that the power in the words can be used to uplift instead of bringing someone down. Oh, and how GOOD it feels to be responsible for brightening someone’s day. We all need a reminder sometimes.
We hope we’ll see you on February 26th at Metropolis at Metrotown, myself and a couple amazing bloggers will also be on location doing our own random acts of kindness. If you see us, please do say hi! We’d love to hear how you are spreading the LIFT EACH OTHER UP message.
[This post is shared with you in partnership with Metropolis at Metrotown. All opinions are our own.]
Both my boys will be rocking their pink shirts on February 26!
I love the shirts this year!
Awesome event! Love the shirts!
Kids cant wait for pink shirt day
We will be wearing our pink shirts tomorrow!! 🙂
Love this idea!!! Will be wearing all pink tomorrow ♡♡
Thank you for supporting pink shirt day!