There’s something to be said about keeping the magic alive for your kids as long as possible, I’m a total sucker for telling Alivia stories that make her eyes widen curiously and barrage me with questions about the stories I tell. I really do believe in letting kids “believe” as long as possible, with most kids learning the truth about Santa, the tooth fairy and more earlier and earlier in school I’d like to make the time I have left fun! I personally have fond memories of my mom and auntie telling me stories about fairies and unicorns growing up, so of course I would continue this imaginative tradition with my own daughter.Â
If you’ve had a chance to peek around the blog, one of our top posts is about Redwood Park in Langley, B.C. renowned for it’s forest full of magical fairy doors. We’ve taken Alivia there for the past 2 years to wander through, peeking inside doors and seeing the doors creep further and further into the forest, we keep telling her that the fairies really like the quiet in this special forest so more keep moving in! With hundreds of doors on display, many made by local children and adults it’s a magical place to get “lost” in the magic… but how do we keep the magic alive once we leave? Why.. with Fairy Lane Doors of course!

Just recently, we decided to bring this magic home and installed our very own Fairy Lane fairy door in the hallway to Alivia’s room, just in time for our Elf Sebastian to move in for the holidays! Fairy Lane Doors come with a legend telling you about the story behind your very own door and include a very special key – just in case your special magical friend loses theirs along the way, they can borrow yours to go home!
As the legend goes, when this door is placed in your bedroom it allows magical creatures, like the tooth fairy to enter when you are sleeping and leave surprises! The key belongs to the fairy, she is the only one who can unlock the door between her world and ours.
When we received our door, I was so impressed with the little details, like the brass looking door handle, knocker and mail slot. We also had a special surprise in our envelope just in time for the holidays, a Christmas wreath! It fit perfectly with our Elf arrival and we can switch it up with a new accessory for each holiday. Each door also includes a double sided stickie to attach to your wall or wherever you want to hang your door, with our molding we had to go above so it was perfect that it included the stickie to help us out.
We encourage Alivia to interact with the door, giggling as she knocks away and asks questions about why she can’t open the door, and why she never sees a fairy. We hype the magic of fairies and magical friends only coming when we are sleeping to sneak in with special notes and treats. With us living in such a technology driven world, I’m holding onto the imagination and magic as long as I possibly can and letting Alivia be a kid.
Each door is hand made in British Columbia, you can choose to customize and have all of the accessories, or only one or two. You also have the option of choosing a colour that fits with your home decor, or matches a child’s favourite colour. You can display your door either inside, or lacquer it and make a fun Fairy garden outside. The possibilities are endless! We really loved this lilac purple colour and think it fits perfectly among all of Alivia’s artwork and photos in the hallway. We’re also waiting for visitors to start noticing it so we can share this special story with them too!
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We’re so happy to share that Fairy Lane Doors is going to help one lucky reader bring the magic home! We have a very special basic Fairy Door with door handle in the colour of your choice  to send home to a special family. Enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck!
i keep the magic alive by continuing to keep Traditions even as the kids get older. Especially at Christmas, the kids still hang the special Santa keys, put out Reindeer food ect..
My 3 daughters & stepson would love zipping around on a plasma car
We have traditions like Elf on the Shelf to keep the magic alive.
We love to tell little fairy tales and let them decide what they think. If they think it’s real than we roll with it. A few years back our daughter was really into Toy Story so each night for a month we set up all her Toy Story guys doing silly things. It was the BEST!!
We use Elf on the shelf
Cant wait until my girls loose some teeth haha then ill introduce the tooth fairy to them
We utilize Santa, the tooth fairy.. we also sprinkle ‘love’ in her food to make her eat it
Elf on the shelf for sure!
We like to pretend a lot when we are playing! We dress up and act like fairies flying around the house.
We keep the magic alive by using our imagination. I thought I only knew how to build towers with duplo, but my 2 yr old daughter has inspired me to build castlss, mansions, pet houses, restaurants and more!
We do elf on the shelf, advent calendars and try to keep the kids believing in Santa
We keep the magic alive by reading lots of stories!
My daughters are 5 and 6. We try to keep the magic alive by going for walks at the Enchanted Forest here on Pender Island in search of fairies (we always wear our fairy wings!). Using our imaginations and playing with our children help too 🙂
Stories & Imagination and telling them about places they’ve never been with lots of details
The magic is alive in our home with a visit from our Elf on the Shelf, Candy Cane. We also have mini Disney fairies that arrived 2 years ago hidden in our Christmas tree. They return every year! And my little one tells me the glitter I find on her is fairy dust that was sprinkled on her, not from doing crafts. 🙂
We keep traditions going every year to keep the magic alive!
We keep the magic with our grandson and a special ornament that was my grandma’s. He loves to blow on the little windmill like I and my sons did when we were little.
We have a bunny named Magic…so magic is alive and well everyday in our home! <3
with singing songs
my hubby is the one that keeps things alive, he is always a happy go lucky guy and so positive.
We watch movies and read stories.
Books books books…..always reading books!
I keep the magic alive in our family by crafting and scrapbooking the big and small moments in our lives.
I tell our kids if they don’t believe they will never see them 🙂
With lots of creative play!
I had a whole set of Golden Books that were Christmas themed.My daughter and grand daughters are keeping the tradition alive.
We play make believe together, read books, and make up stories together.
I encourage my children to explore and experience new things
The best way to spread xmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!
With Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny!
we keep the magic alive by believing in santa, the tooth fairy, the sand man, the easter bunny and we watch these videos on tutorials online on how to become a mermaid..which my daughter does believe works…
imagination is health for our kids..its been proven without encouraging it can lead to mental health issues
we continue to use the hand made dollhouse, it inspires so much inspiration
With Santa, and the christmas pickle. Next year im thinking I may want to get an elf on the shelf
I keep the magic alive by playing make believe together, reading books, and making up our own stories together.