Give the gift of ‘Love Inspired’ books this Mother’s Day

Love Inspired

Love InspiredMother’s Day is fast approaching, and many of us are looking forward to it; the homemade cards and gifts, squishy hugs and kisses, and if we’re lucky, a little bit of time to ourselves. I’m a bit of a bookworm, so when I get time for me, I love to get lost in a good book (when I’m not sucked into another book…FaceBook). I like a variety of genres, but there’s no question that sometimes I love a good heart warming story.  The upcoming Love Inspried Series available through Harlequin truly fit the bill.

I was a little surprised at the Harlequin label when my review package arrived, knowing that these books are a little more ‘Chicken Soup’ than the Harlequin romances I remember. Make no mistake, these are not the lust filled romances you used to find on your aunt’s or mother’s bookshelves growing up. These stories, written to tug at and warm the heart vs making it pound and race, are stories of how love can overcome and heal, and how values like forgiveness and hope can change lives and nourish the soul.

Love Inspired readers believe hearts can heal. Love Inspired Stories show that faith, forgiveness and hope have the power to lift spirits and change lives – always.

Each of these inspiring reads are prefaced by a verse, and do contain some faith elements but they are stories everyone can enjoy with a glass of wine or bubble bath and the occasional tissue. In Harlequin fashion, 6 new titles featuring a variety of authors are available each month…and then they’re gone! With a one month shelf life before new titles are released, you’ll want to hurry. This month’s selections include titles like The Doctor’s Second Chance and A Firefighter’s Promise and are only available until May 28th. This means they would make the perfect gift for any of the motherly figures in your life this Mother’s Day. And we want to give a set to one of you!

This Mother’s Day, add to your loved ones library with the gift of Love Inspired stories by entering here! In honour of Mother’s Day, tell us one of the many reasons why you love your mom/aunt/grandma and you could win. Can’t wait and want to get reading or gift wrapping now? Love Inspired books can be found in-store or online here. We even have a $1 off coupon – Grab & Print yours now! 

(Disclosure: I received product for free to facilitate the review, opinions expressed are, as always, my own. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller/Fly By Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility)

I'm a SAHM of 2 who loves finding new things to do in the Lower Mainland, and sharing my opinions. I thrive on coffee, snuggles and sarcasm.