International Talk Like a Pirate Day – #free donuts at Krispy Kreme

Pirate Joey Amy 2

Pirate Day Joey Amy 2
Avast ye, landlubbers and seadogs alike! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is here. Arrrrgh! ‘Tis no better day than the 19th to practice yer pirates ways. And if ye be in the mood for booty, set her sails for  Krispy Kreme. Every year on International Talk Like a Pirate Day they give free donuts, er treasure, to all those partake…single donuts for those with the pirate tongue and a whopping dozen donuts for dressing in your pirate garb.

Pirate Joey & AmyPirate amy









So what are you waiting for ye’ scallywags? Dust off your eyepatch, shine up your sword and have ye a piratey day!

Have a pirate joke or pirate pic you’d like to share, we’d love to see them!

I'm a SAHM of 2 who loves finding new things to do in the Lower Mainland, and sharing my opinions. I thrive on coffee, snuggles and sarcasm.