It has been one heck of a year – and I don’t know about you but I am about ready to close up 2016 and move on to a brand new 2017! New Years Eve sure has changed considerably since I had kids though, when I was younger I was out until all hours, enjoying champagne, playing games and making fun New Years Resolutions with my friends – now with kids? I’m struggling to stay awake until midnight and know that that sweet little voice is still going to wake me up at 8am, regardless of what time she went to bed at!
Netflix knows our struggle well and is sharing some fun ways to kick off the New Year – and still catch some extra zzz’s!
Whether you’re the go-to-bed-early or party-all-night type, Netflix is helping all families manage New Year’s Eve by creating 10 on demand countdowns for kids. Kids get to celebrate with mom and dad, and parents get the kids to bed before midnight – it is a win-win for everyone. This year’s countdowns are based on some of kids’ favorite shows: Word Party, Puffin Rock, Luna Petunia, Beat Bugs, All Hail King Julien, Skylanders Academy, Trollhunters, Project Mc2, Fuller House and Chasing Cameron.
But after any good party comes the morning after, with cranky kids and tired parents. So Netflix is also making parents’ lives a little easier the next morning. Inspired by a strategic playlist of shows kids will jump at the chance to watch back-to-back, Netflix has created a simple tool that will give kids permission to press play while parents hit snooze: The Netflix Door Sign!

It’s easy! Just print and cut out the Netflix door sign at home, then hang it on the bedroom door before hitting the sack on New Year’s Eve. Parents can almost guarantee precious extra Zzz’s the next morning, when your kids realize they have permission to watch back-to-back episodes of the (strategically recommended*) shows listed on the door sign – without needing permission -… a compromise sure to appease adults and children alike.
Fun Fact: There’s a big spike in kids content viewing on New Year’s Day, making Jan. 1st one of the most watched days of kids content on Netflix. In fact, according to viewership data, total viewing of kids content on New Year’s Day 2016 exceeded nearly every single weekend day in 2015.
Here are 10 shows to help parents in Canada get a little more shut-eye based on titles kids are most likely to watch back-to-back in one sitting* *This selection of titles is based on how fast a viewer consumed the whole season of a particular title as measured by the median days it took to complete each season of a show, according to Netflix viewership data:
- Ask the StoryBots
- Care Bears & Cousins
- Dragons: Race to the Edge
- Ever After High
- LEGO Bionicle: The Journey to One
- Pokémon: Indigo League
- Skylanders Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure
- Project Mc²
Or in our house, we’re currently watching Teen Titans Go and Pokemon anything on repeat.. over, and over and over again…’s all good though, there is something so precious about that quiet from the living room in the morning, I will take anything that gives me an extra hour of sleep with her curled up on the couch with her fave show!
Netflix is no different than us growing up and running out to turn on the Saturday morning cartoons, except now we have a bit more control over what the kids are seeing- commercial free! Total win, I get to rest, she gets to relax and everyone wakes up ready to ring in 2017 with rested parents and a delicious breakfast.
That is an interesting fact! Im sure we will be joining into that stat!
I’d love to start experimenting with healthy new recipes this year!
We chose this year to start leading a healthier lifestyle!
Funny, as I read your blog post, I’m binge watching Breaking Bad on Netflix!
This is exactly what we did for New Years! Hubby and I cuddled and watched movies after watching some with our grandson!
So many amazing shows on Netflix. It’s getting way better than cable.
Netflix is the best programming we ever had,i am so happy we signed up.All the best in 2017
Great way to start the New Year is with a Netflix membership.
Very nice original programs
Its the perfect way to spend New Years, or any chill night!