Adulting is hard work and can be pretty stressful. This is especially true for those of the parent variety. Not only is there work, rent, bills, social obligations (or maybe anxiety), but there is also the responsibility of nurturing, raising, feeding and loving tiny versions of ourselves, and hoping that against all odds you will not screw up. Sure we can drink, swear, eat in bed, watch movies with ratings higher than PG-13, but sometimes I long for the days of enforced nap-time, insisted upon stroller rides and meals served to me, not by me, all cut up in little pieces with my favourite blankie on stand-by for when I’m through. Recently, when I feel like I’d love to regress back to childhood, I have started to colour thanks to these pretty awesome colouring books made especially for adults from Vintage Pen Press. Sure I colour with my kids, but it’s kind of nice to have my own book; devoid of Disney characters and cartoon animals. And you know what? They really are kind of relaxing!
Vintage Pen Press is the proud publisher of elegant adult coloring books. From our offices in Washington state, we produce exceptional adult coloring books that deliver a fresh wave of calm in the midst of the storms of life. Our mission is to help readers to relax, let go of stress and replace it with the beauty, joy and nostalgic art found in the Vintage Pen Press collection of Adult Coloring Books.
Now, I know colouring a picture won’t dissolve all my stresses, or make any big problems go away, but neither does the glass of wine I enjoy to unwind. I do find that once I get into it, I am much more present and I do start to relax, or at the very least enjoy myself and my attempts at something pretty.
My thoughts turn from stewing over some frustration or other to colour selection and shading, focusing more on the pressure of the pencil crayon then the pressures of the outside world. The quiet time without electronics, news, and constant interruptions is refreshing, and I can see how adult colouring books are growing in popularity.
With so many different themes to choose from, there truly is something for everyone and all levels of creativity like the groovy 70s inspired one and the Vintage Cigar Labels. With the Get Your Groove On book, I felt like any colours I chose would work and happily went at it, but with the Vintage Cigar Labels I took to Google image to see what the original looked like so I could make an attempt to copy it. This one required a bit more concentration to pull off, and is still a work in progress. I felt like I had a project, and it’s always nice to feel the rush of satisfaction when you finish said project!

As the popularity of adult colouring books grow, the research backing how they support stress relief, fine motor skills (when is the last time you picked up a pen, or pencil? you might be surprised how little it actually happens!) and so much more grows with it. We highly recommend that every home has at least one book that the adults can pick up and colour their cares away. You might be surprised how “into it” you get once you’ve started! We have many friends who start a page and realize an hour later that they’ve been so concentrated that they’ve finished it in one sitting. You can grab either of these fabulous colouring books on Amazon, or directly from the Vintage Pen Press website, and while you’re there make sure to print a few of their free colouring pages to tide you over until your book arrives. Happy colouring.
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If you have someone who would enjoy a little more colour in their life, or perhaps you’d like to try your own hand at this newly trending old-school pastime, I have some great news for you! Vintage Pen Press has generously given us a prize pack for one lucky fan!

Prize details:
1 winner will receive one of each Get Your Groove On and The Art of Cigar Vintage Labels, plus a pack of pencil crayons to get you started! Enter below, good luck!
Lately, I’ve been grabbing one of my three new grandchildren and just giving us some loving time!
I usually make coffee or tea and watch a little tv.
I usually read, or play some games on my tablet in my room with the light low and sitting in a lazy boy.
love to grab a great novel
I try to go to Yoga. When I can’t do that I read
I watch tv and play on the computer after the kids go to bed to unwind.
I usually play games on the ipad
I play Scrabble…particularly nice on windy, rainy days.
I unwind at the end of day by reading.
Wine, wine and more wine. Haha!
I like to unwind with a nice hot bath at the end of the day!
I unwine by putting my pjs on after dinner and just sit with my feet up and surf the web on my tablet
I unwind by chatting with my husband or watching a show.
I like to unwind with a long hot bath.
watch some TV or read
Always used to love getting lost in a good book but lately I have been so tired that watching a bit of home Reno or house Hunter TV is my go-to activity!
I love to unwind at the end of a long day by snuggling up with my kids on the couch and reading to them. It is very comforting and soothing.
I watch a movie.
I watch some TV, knit and sometimes colour. I am enjoying the new colouring trend 🙂
Love to color with my grandkids.
I like the unwind at the end of a long day with a book and some hot chocolate.
I like to take a hot shower!!
Colouring, watching tv or painting!
I like reading before bed.
I relax with a coffee
I like being on the computer and checking out twitter or facebook at the end of the night
Heh, well in the interest of keeping it family-friendly, I’ll say a nice cup of tea!
I make a cup of tea and watch a hockey game or Netflix!
To unwind at the end of a long day, I watch a little TV
I usually watch TV or do a puzzle
Get into my hot tub!
A beer and a hot shower!
Shower, Watch my shows I DVR’D like Days of Our Lives and enter contests
I read, take my dogs for a walk, meditate
i like to color 🙂 i’m addicted
Wonderful way to relax
jacuzzi 🙂
A hot bath and a glass of wine
I like to read a couple chapters of a book
With a cup of tea and a good book!
I put my pj’s on and sit and relax watching tv
I try to unwind by watching YouTube and drawing very, very badly.
A hot cup of tea
watch tv
Usually a show on tv. My days are so busy lately, mindless comedy helps me before bed.
read a book and drink tea
watch tv and surf the net
i make art 🙂
Usually some television or fb!
I sing.
I enter contests 😉
I’m sorry. Total spaz today. I enter the wrong twitter. Here’s a real wrong.
Take a hot bath and cover up on my couch with my orange furry blanket and watch some shows that I previously recorded.
I unwind by putting on my headphones and escaping into my music
I will knit or play some video games
Have a hot shower, this will help me to unwind
I have a long hot bath or read a book or watch some tv.
I unwind with a cuppa my favourite tea – Strawberries & Cream Rooibos
I do contests
I watch tv and fold laundry, get paperwork done, and enter contests.
Take a hot bath, read a book
I like to work on my 1000 piece puzzle to unwind.
I watch TV shows!
I like to read, to unwind. Colouring would be a fantastic way, though. I need to get back to that.
By putting my feet up and watching some tv.
With a nice latte
i unwind by reading multiple mommy blogs and writing poetry,,but the adult coloring books im highly interested in art therapy to relax
I unwind by going for a walk with friends to talk about nonsense
I like to unwind with a hot bath and a good book!
i unwind by watching TV